Sunday 21 October 2012

CD Packaging Design #3

CD Design #3. The method and process of creating this was very similar with design #1, but just using a different font and better looking images of Rio de Janeiro.

CD Packaging Design #2

CD Design #2. This time for the cover using the image of Astrud Gilberto, the iconic Brazilian samba and bossa nova singer. Then again using Photoshop manipulate it digitally, creating a classic and somewhat corny bossa nova CD cover.

CD Packaging Design #1

CD Packaging Design for fictional client (another school assignment). The theme of it is "Bossa Nova: Brazilian Music that Seduced the World". In this design I used the landscape of Rio de Janeiro at night and its landmark Christo Redentor, then digitally manipulate it using various photoshop filters.

Monday 15 October 2012

Minipop - Me

...and of course, me.

Minipop - Community

Using the drawing style from this website - - to create my own image using pixels in photoshop. This is the cast from the TV show Community...

Wednesday 10 October 2012

My very own font

Using plastic pasteur pipettes and ink to write the alphabet, creating my very own font.

2012 agIdeas International Design Forum Poster Design

Poster Design for the 2012 agIdeas International Design Forum.
Using Various Speakers' work as an inspiration, collaborating their style with mine and design a poster. In this project, I chose to do typography.

Artists used as inspiration:
-Vladimir Chaika
-Marian Bantjes

Saturday 16 June 2012

Animated GIF-MIB Flashy Thing

Mural design and mock-up

OH&S Poster #1 'Know Your Workplace'

OH&S Poster #2 'Warning Signs of Fatigue'

Printer postcard cover

Robot Illustration

Pattern design

Booklet for 'Personal Magic Carpet'

The Restaurant at the End of the Universe layout back

The Restaurant at the End of the Universe layout

The Restaurant at the End of the Universe layout cover

Layout design-Garamond starts a tradition

Layout design-Talkie Vampires

Web Banner for hypothetical food store

1st draft for 'The Drowning Lily' Poster

Poster for hypothetical café: 'The Drowning Lily'